Computational modeling of building process time behavior

Renata Baskova


The network analysis methods present the main tool for building schedule
execution by computer. The principal element of network, which is the building time behavior model, is the building process at various aggregating level. The networks topology models technological and organizational relativities of the building processes.
The classical network analysis methods mostly perceive an activity as one network element, with two events namely start and finish, not allowing the fact, that each building process has got its internal time structure, which is relatively complicated.
In the paper is in detail executed division of building processes and their time parameters. The internal time structure is explained by various graphical models and mathematically are defined the interaction continuities among internal events of one building process. The time structure of one building process, defined in this manner, consequently permit define mathematically the conditional ties - relations among processes so that the final mathematical model will represent the real building time structure. 

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