Ecclesiastic dwellings inside monastery courtyards of Iasi

Doina Mira Dascalu


We surveyed three interesting buildings from three different courtyards: the semibasement
near by the tower of the Barnovschi monastery, the so called Dosoftei
house near by the wall of Sf. Nicolai Domnesc monastery and the house inside the
courtyard of Golia monastery. Comparing them, comparison made in the context of
certain characteristics of the structures of the medieval Moldavian monastery
courtyards, we may notice that these three buildings have in common some aspects.
These houses show also some particularities that make them different, resulted out
of the special history and lifespan of each structure, conferring them, even today,
magnetism, charm and personality.

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The mapping survey was done by the author-dr. arch. Doina Mira Dascălu.


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